On the very first episode of THE RAMP SHOW today, we have the co-founder of India’s largest community - Suhas Motwani with us!
He is the co-founder at The Product Folks, what started as a single event in 2019 is now a community comprising 30k+ members.
It was an absolute pleasure to have him on the show.
Aside from that, we also discussed how it feels like becoming the peak Bengaluru influencer, what it took to grow 0xTPH into a thriving web3 community of builders and learners.
For a little surprise, watch the episode all the way to the end 😉
Follow Suhas Motwani here — https://twitter.com/MotwaniSuhas?t=JbSuwLX2IEWmYSEg82BIEQ&s=09
Build next-gen web3 products, easily and frictionlessly with Biconomy — https://www.biconomy.io/
Join the fastest growing community of web3 builders and learners at 0xTPH — https://twitter.com/0xTPH
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