“It took decades for IPL to happen and become main steam in India. If we are successful over the next 6-7 years to build this sense of stability, fame and belonging, we would be doing a great job.”
Manish Aggarwal is an Elders Council Member at IndiGG (gaming guild), ex-CEO of Nazara and ex-CEO Reliance Entertainment (Digital). He is a seasoned advisor and tech enthusiast through and through.
In this 30 minute conversation Manish talks about his vision to provide opportunity and earnings to gamers, the robust community of Indian gaming, and his advice as a veteran to new builders and founders. Listen to the entire episode here in audio or on Youtube.
Watch on Youtube:
To make this season amazing, we spent 20 hours recording, 100 hours editing with original music and conversations—just like a delightful product. If you liked this episode or found it useful, support us in making web3 accessible for all.
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Follow Manish on Twitter: https://twitter.com/manishdiesel
Know more about IndiGG: https://indi.gg/
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